Thursday, January 1, 2015

Rose Bowl refs take Oregon TD off board for meaningless review

It didn't end up mattering, but the refs made a poor officiating blunder.

Charles Nelson did not score for Oregon here.



However, Oregon got up to the line of scrimmage quickly and snapped the ball, with Royce Freeman diving over the line for an apparent touchdown.

Then refs hopped on the mic to say that the touchdown actually hadn't happened. They were going to review Nelson's dive to the end zone, which was not a touchdown:


This was pretty poor officiating by the refs. It's okay when they quickly swoop in to review plays to make sure they get the right call, but this wasn't a case of that. The refs essentially penalized Oregon for the fact that they didn't act quickly enough.

Oregon scored two plays later, so this didn't matter, but it was still bad officiating.

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