Monday, January 26, 2015

Kyle Busch upset about being mistaken for older brother, Kurt

Being mistaken for his older brother, who is under investigation for allegedly assaulting his ex-girlfriend, doesn’t please Kyle Busch.

As the Kurt Busch legal saga has unfolded in recent months, younger brother Kyle Busch has intentionally avoided anything to with an incident involving alleged domestic abuse, trained assassins and an ongoing criminal investigation.

"Haven't spoken to him, don't know nothing, trying to stay away from it all and let him handle his business," Kyle Busch said Monday during the NASCAR Media Tour.

Kurt Busch is alleged by ex-girlfriend Patricia Driscoll of assaulting her inside his motor home last September at Dover International Raceway. A criminal complaint was filed Nov. 5 and police concluded their investigation in late December, handing off the case to the Delaware Attorney General's office for review and determination of whether charge should be filed.

The already high-profile case garnered even more national attention when Kurt Busch testified he believed Driscoll to be a trained assassin during a protective court hearing. Busch even said Driscoll once returned to a hotel room they were sharing in Texas covered in blood and other matter.

Unfortunately, as stories have been aired and published there have instances where the wrong Busch brother was misidentified, including a tweet posted by ESPN's Keith Olbermann. Those mistakes haven't sat well with Kyle, who has seen his name associated with an incident he had no involvement in.

"I think it's stupid," Kyle said. "I think people need to do a little bit more background before they write names or say names if they don't know what the heck they are talking about. It's not that hard to differentiate between two people that have the same last name. People need to do a better job and not be so slackish."

In a sport heavily dependent on the support of corporate America the potential is there Kyle's sponsor, M&M's, could grow tired of their driver being mistaken for his brother. But Kyle said that isn't yet the case.

"It hasn't been bothersome from a sponsorship standpoint that I know of," he said. "I know it could be if it continues to keep going, but it's the wrong brother."

Kyle has purposely kept his distance and hasn't spoken with Kurt recently. Nor does Kyle know how Kurt is handling the situation.

"Couldn't tell you, I don't talk to him," said Kyle when asked how Kurt was doing. "Dead serious. Ask him yourself.

"Obviously, it's got to be painful for him and you don't ever want to see anybody go through this sort of thing. Besides not wanting to get too far involved in it, that's about all I want to say."

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