Monday, March 30, 2015

This soccer manager was banned from the stadium, so he watched from a nearby attic

'The Soccer Manager In The Attic' by Shel Silverstein

England's Poole Town Football Club banned its own manager, Tom Killick, from attending games at the stadium. Undeterred, Killick found an inventive way to watch his team - through the window in a nearby attic.

Assistant manager James Wood is working with Poole Town FC while Killick's 6-game ban for insulting an official is in effect. Killick said of the incident, "I should know better by now than to get involved in disputes with referees but I never expected a punishment as draconian as this. It’s something that shouldn’t have happened and I regret it. If you have done wrong then you have to suffer the consequences."

In this case, the consequences are watching a soccer match alongside ghosts.

(via Mirror)

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