Saturday, March 28, 2015

Willie Cauley-Stein showed why he's an NBA lottery pick on Notre Dame's final miss

Kentucky's Willie Cauley-Stein is the tallest member of a notoriously tall front line, at 7'0 and around 240 pounds. And yet you'll hear people -- college fans and NBA scouts alike -- say he can guard all five positions. This is what they're talking about. Watch No. 15 in white:

The anchor of Kentucky's defense has unbelievably quick feet for a guy his size, and the shot Notre Dame pulled in its final six-second possession exemplified that speed and agility. Jerian Grant is 6'5 and fast as shit with the ball in his hands, yet Cauley-Stein not only stayed with him stride-for-stride for 70 feet, but drove him toward the corner when he shifted to his right and tried to take the middle. It's like a giraffe gamely cornering a mongoose.

Cauley-Stein didn't get much of a contest on the final shot, but by the time you've herded a dude into the corner and got him surrounded by help defenders, you're all set.

The guy who can keep pace with a speeding guard also does this regularly:

Given how often NBA teams run pick-and-roll, having a guy who's big enough to hang back and goalkeep, quick enough to hedge and recover, and fast enough to switch onto a ballhandler would be a terrific asset. And just imagine how he's gonna perform in all those agility drills at the combine.

That's why you'll likely see an NBA team snag Cauley-Stein in the top 10 -- maybe even higher.

SB Nation presents: Why Kentucky will win it all

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