Monday, April 20, 2015

2015 Boston Marathon results: Marcel Hug, Tatyana McFadden win wheelchair divisions

Marcel Hug won the men's wheelchair race while Tatyana McFadden captured the title on the women's side.

Marcel Hug of Switzerland and American Tatyana McFadden were victorious in the men's and women's wheelchair race at the Boston Marathon, respectively. Monday was the 119th running of the race and it was as exciting as ever.

McFadden, 25, has now won the race for the past three years, finishing this one with an unofficial time of 1:52:54. She's also the defending champion of the Chicago, New York City and London Marathons, and is a four-time Paralympian. She was favored coming into the race and it's no surprise she won.

Hug winning the men's race was something of an upset, however. With an unofficial time of 1:29:53 for his first victory in Boston, the 28-year-old bested Ernst Van Dyk, who was hoping for his 11th victory at the Boston Marathon. Van Dyk has 10 race wins to his name, so it's always a big deal when he loses, as the most decorated competitor in Boston.

Caroline Rotich won the elite women's race with a time of 2:24:55, while Lelisa Desisa led the men with a time of 2:09:17.

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